Healing & Honoring 'the Unknown'
Developed by the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, the systemic and family constellations were born in the early 90s. The journey of their founder is surprising to say the least since, before specializing in psychotherapy, he was a missionary priest in South Africa. “From this experience, he may have brought back the conviction that words, gestures and rituals are important within a community. From his experience as a therapist in Germany, he acquired the certainty that the power of a family system unconsciously conditions the existence of its various members over several generations"
When he began his work as a therapist, Hellinger indeed noticed in some of his patients some problems rooted in the horrors of Nazism, which they had not yet experienced, unlike their ancestors. Could it be that an imprint of the family past can reach family members, even in the following generations? This is the basis of Hellinger's first reflections, which are also inspired by the work of Théa Schönfelder, Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, a pioneer in the field of psychogenealogy and family therapy, and Eric Berne.
The approach of family constellation is as old as humanity. It is a proven method to get out of old wounds from direct ancestors, allies of your lineage or your clan. Constellations do not replace psychotherapy, nor is it, strictly speaking, psychotherapy. It is rather a work of awakening in group, restructuring, comforting, reconciling. A restart in life that is for anyone who wants to get out of repeated failures for themselves or another member of their family.
It is not a question of “working on family problems” but of finding a good and effective solution for the whole system.
How to recognize a fully fulfilled life?
- To pacified relations with his parents,
- To the love that sustains the life of a couple,
- The fluid relationship with his children,
- The inner peace,
- Being in the right place at the right time, in your place..
How many of us prevent ourselves from living as if to expiate a fault that is not ours, out of love or loyalty for a member of our family that we sometimes did not know?
It is from this observation and these questions that the systemic constellations were born, which will seek to declutter the life paths of patients who have been hindered in the past.
Among the descendants of victims:
o we will identify difficulties in living happily.
o the ban on happiness becomes an act of loyalty towards the unfortunate predecessors.
Among the descendants the persecutors:
o the suffering of the descendants will (very unconsciously), out of solidarity and guilt, play a role of expiation for the executioners of yesterday.
Global malaise, conflict situations, unhealthy shyness, difficulty finding one's place in the family, living as a couple, expressing one's love..., often, the highlighting of these problems which are in reality the reflection of conflicts not resolved that we are not aware of, makes it possible to heal thanks to this very particular transgenerational family therapy.
How many of us prevent ourselves from living as if to expiate a fault that is not ours, out of love or loyalty for a member of our family that we sometimes did not know? Repetitions of the same situation or family history over several generations; family secrets...
It is from this observation and these questions that the systemic constellations were born, which will seek to declutter the life paths of clients who have been hindered in the past.